Services & Expertise

Physical Therapy In-Home

Treatment for any ache/pain, sports injuries, pre and post-operative care

This program is for clients looking for convenience of having a physical therapist come to your home or office. Physical therapists are the movement specialist, with our individualized treatment plan, we will be able to get you back to your optimal level of function.

What is expected
One on one customized treatment session for 50 or 70 minutes with your Physical Therapist

Providing you the knowledge of your impairment, the root cause of the problem and the tools that will enable you to get back to your life

Individualized exercise program, tailored to your unique self. No person is the same, therefore no exercise program should be the same. A specific, graded exercise program will be designed for you to help you return to your most optimal function.

Manual therapy
Hands on skill provided by the physical therapist to improve soft tissue, joint mobility in order to decrease pain, improve blood flow and improve the neuro-musculoskeletal function. Manual therapy includes soft tissue mobilization/massage, joint mobilization, cupping, and trigger point dry needling

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Golf Rehab and Performance

For clients looking to improve mobility, strength, power in their golf game in the convenience of their home or gym.

As a Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) trained physical therapist, we have the knowledge and understanding of the comprehensive movements required during a golf swing. Understanding the biomechanics of the body and the golf swing enables us to provide superior care to each client in order to get them on the golf course healthier and stronger.

What is expected during treatment session:
- One on one treatment session for 60 minutes with a TPI physical therapist
- Initial exam will include
- TPI screen:

  • 16 different movements specific to golf mobility, strength and balance
  • Comprehensive plan to improve movement, strength and power

-Subsequent visits will include

  • Customized exercise program tailored to your specific golf goals
  • Education on proper golf warm up drills, post golf recovery to keep your game sharp

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Pregnancy and Postpartum Rehab

The Postpartum rehab program is designed for Mom’s to improve their core strength, decrease LBP/SI pain, decrease risk for incontinence with out the hassle of leaving their home.

We understand the stress of being a Mom, finding time for yourself is not easy, that is why we provide a mobile PT service so we can provide you with proper care you deserve to help you feel better, stronger and get you back to your optimal function.

Conditions treated:

- Diastasis Recti
- C-section
- Incontinence
- Pelvic pain

What is expected during treatment session:

- One on one 50 or 70 minute session with your physical therapist
- Education
- Individualized Exercise Program Focused on:

  • Pelvic floor strength
  • Core strengthening
  • Diastasis recti

- Manual Therapy including:

  • Soft tissue mobilization/massage
  • Joint mobilization
  • Cupping
  • Trigger point dry needling (postpartum)
  • Scar tissue mobilization for C-section

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Do you take insurance?

Motogenix Concierge Physical Therapy does NOT take insurance, it is considered an out-of-network provider with all insurance companies. Motogenix Concierge Physical Therapy operates under the “Direct pay Model”

What is the Direct Pay Model?

Cost of care is due before treatment session. With the direct pay model, it allows us to circumvent the insurance companies dictating the quality of care provided. You will always be seen by a physical therapist one on one for a full 60 minutes.

How do I know if I have out-of-network benefits?

Simply ask your health insurance the following questions:

Do I have an out-of-network deductible? Have I met my deductible this year? Is there paperwork that must be filled out when submitting the out of network claims? If so, do you provide the paperwork? Do I need to be pre-certified for PT sessions in order to receive services of PT

If I have out-of-network benefits, how will I get reimbursed?

We will take the hassle out for you and provide the insurance company with the paperwork for you to be reimbursed.

How long are the sessions?

The treatment session are typically 60 minutes

Do you have another question?

Submit your question below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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