5 Exercises If You Work From Home

Our bodies crave movement, even if you are in the “best” posture for hours upon hours, you will still find yourself with some sort of aches or pains.
Shayne Cleary
August 16, 2023

The pandemic has changed almost every aspect of daily life. Whether that is going to get a cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop to going to a gym and working 100% from home. 

Sure, the flexibility is great, but the havoc it may be reeking on most of our bodies…not so much!  

Most people do not have the proper set up for a full time “work from home.” We are using our couches, kitchen tables, counter tops as desks and do not have a proper chair to provide us with better support.    Working in these awkward positions for hours can cause all sorts of problems, such as low back pain, or tension headaches.  

You may be asking how you can avoid these “working from home” pitfalls? 

A helpful tip: change positions…

Our bodies crave movement, even if you are in the “best” posture for hours upon hours, you will still find yourself with some sort of aches or pains. Setting a timer for every 45 minutes will help remind you to stand walk around for a couple minutes. This will help decrease the risk for postural aches and pains. 

For those that want to take it a step further, check out some of these exercise linked below for exercises to help you through your work day.  

#1 UT Stretch

#2 Scap Squeeze

#3 Piriformis Stretch

#4 LS Stretch

#5 Hip Flexor Stretch